2019-03-24 09:23:44 UTC
Hello all,
On XPsp3 I'm trying to get info of a tab on a SysTabControl32 which is
located in a different process (.CPL configuration dialogs), using the
TCM_GETITEM message (and some virtual memory magic).
The thing is that when I ask for the stored parameter (TCIF_PARAM) (and only
than!) there are four bytes cleared /beyond/ the TCITEMA record (directly
after the parameter field, bytes 0x1C .. 0x1F). The same thing doesn't
happen when I request the same record from within the same process.
Question: Is this something to be expected (maybe related to my use of
virtual memory), or should I consider it a quirk of the targetted control ?
Rudy Wieser
On XPsp3 I'm trying to get info of a tab on a SysTabControl32 which is
located in a different process (.CPL configuration dialogs), using the
TCM_GETITEM message (and some virtual memory magic).
The thing is that when I ask for the stored parameter (TCIF_PARAM) (and only
than!) there are four bytes cleared /beyond/ the TCITEMA record (directly
after the parameter field, bytes 0x1C .. 0x1F). The same thing doesn't
happen when I request the same record from within the same process.
Question: Is this something to be expected (maybe related to my use of
virtual memory), or should I consider it a quirk of the targetted control ?
Rudy Wieser