PE requiring dosxnt.exe
(too old to reply)
2023-06-20 00:23:32 UTC
I recently bought Visual C++ 1.0 from ebay on 3.5"

If I run the cl.exe on the floppies under Windows 10
it refuses to run.

If I run beta2fix on it, it crashes.

If I run the patched cl.exe on Win 95, it says it requires
dosxnt.exe. Which presumably means it is not being
recognized as a PE file, and going through the DOS
extender (Phar Lap) codepath.

I can see the PE signature. Any idea why it wouldn't
be accepted?

Thanks. Paul.
2023-06-21 03:13:12 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com
I recently bought Visual C++ 1.0 from ebay on 3.5"
If I run the cl.exe on the floppies under Windows 10
it refuses to run.
If I run beta2fix on it, it crashes.
If I run the patched cl.exe on Win 95, it says it requires
dosxnt.exe. Which presumably means it is not being
recognized as a PE file, and going through the DOS
extender (Phar Lap) codepath.
I can see the PE signature. Any idea why it wouldn't
be accepted?
A couple questions...
1. Are you running 64-bit Windows?
2. Which edition of VC? (It sounds like Professional, not Standard or NT.)

FWIW, the one I have has a Phar Lap DOS stub that prevents my install of Win
10 x64 from recognizing it as a valid PE, despite my own tools identifying it
as a "Windows PE program (i386, Console subsystem)". I haven't tested it on a
32-bit install, but I expect it would work there, one way or another.
(yes, I sorted a sorting algorithm)
2023-06-21 04:51:47 UTC
Post by Auric__
Post by ***@gmail.com
I can see the PE signature. Any idea why it wouldn't
be accepted?
A couple questions...
1. Are you running 64-bit Windows?
Windows 10 64-bit has a crash visible in event viewer.

Windows 95 32-bit looks for dosxnt.
Post by Auric__
2. Which edition of VC? (It sounds like Professional, not Standard or NT.)
I have 20 3.5" floppies, and the first disk has this:

1993-02-08 12:57 0 VC100PRO._01
1993-02-08 01:01 114,484 PACKING.TXT

And the physical label on the floppy confirms that it is
professional, 1.0.

So yes.
Post by Auric__
FWIW, the one I have has a Phar Lap DOS stub that prevents my install of Win
10 x64 from recognizing it as a valid PE, despite my own tools identifying it
as a "Windows PE program (i386, Console subsystem)". I haven't tested it on a
32-bit install, but I expect it would work there, one way or another.
If you run beta2fix it will probably be recognized on your
win10 system. You need to run beta2fix because it uses
non-existent (now) functions in ntdll.dll.

BFN. Paul.
2023-06-21 05:28:08 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com
If you run beta2fix it will probably be recognized on your
win10 system. You need to run beta2fix because it uses
non-existent (now) functions in ntdll.dll.
Sorry for the sloppy English.

I believe it is the change in the minor system number
that beta2fix does that is what allows it to be
recognized, not the ntdll.dll fixup.

beta2fix can be found here:


BFN. Paul.
