2019-08-29 17:31:11 UTC
Hello all,
Just now I placed some text into the clipboard using
SetClipboardData,CF_TEXT, ofcourse providing it with a handle to some global
movable memory. (remark: just the text, not including a terminating zero).
But when I than paste the contents (into notepad) the last char has gone.
As a test I just allocated the global memory a single byte larger (no other
change!), and as the result the last char appeared again. whut!
The thing is that, on
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-setclipboarddata I
do not see any kind of remark or warning for it. Which makes me wonder
what I ran into ... My misunderstanding of something, or MS being
less-than-complete in its docs ?
(OS: XPsp3)
Rudy Wieser
Just now I placed some text into the clipboard using
SetClipboardData,CF_TEXT, ofcourse providing it with a handle to some global
movable memory. (remark: just the text, not including a terminating zero).
But when I than paste the contents (into notepad) the last char has gone.
As a test I just allocated the global memory a single byte larger (no other
change!), and as the result the last char appeared again. whut!
The thing is that, on
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-setclipboarddata I
do not see any kind of remark or warning for it. Which makes me wonder
what I ran into ... My misunderstanding of something, or MS being
less-than-complete in its docs ?
(OS: XPsp3)
Rudy Wieser